Saturday, January 19, 2008

Is there a limitation on many wonderful things can happen?

When things are going really well for us, sometimes we have a tendency to get nervous because we think something bad is going to happen shortly since these wonderful things happening won't last forever. So, some people get nervous and start thinking about what could go wrong....and guess what, it usually does go wrong. It seems logical that we should think things will continue to go well and expect the best to happen. That may create some sort of vulnerability for some, but why not expect the best? It's always curious to me when I hear, I'm going to expect the worst and hope for the best??? When we send out that message, it is like a self fulfilling prophecy. We have all the control over what environment and circumstances we want to create and it's just a matter of changing the way we think to keep receiving wonderful things in our lives. This is an easy concept, but difficult to execute because we are conditioned to be fearful or stressed or wanting more or whatever it may be. To really not be hesitant and letting your guard down all the time, every minute of the day and everyday makes some of us nervous and until we reprogram our thinking, we are not fully taking advantage of the wonderful gifts that ALL OF US are entitled to. ALL OF US can be on top of the world at the same time with abundant and happy thoughts. Thinking wonderful thoughts bring about wonderful things!!

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