Saturday, August 16, 2008

Who we are

Who we are seems to be challenged everyday and it's up to us to glide through everyday with not questioning who we are. As we smile, write and say good things, think good things, there are those that try to bring us down a notch to be part of their way of thinking. It's tempting to be wrapped up in what is not right versus thinking of what is right. It's far easier to dive into misery and remaining unchanged than to think positively and towards solutions. Those folks who are perpetually unhappy do affect me and others which is due to the fact that we all want everybody happy. Is that a realistic expectation? It could be, but it's up to each individual person to make that choice and not up to me or anybody to force those to be happy. So, it can be a reality if we all wanted it to be. So, I continue to envision the kind of environment I want to live, work and play and everyday work towards that goal. If it happens, that's great! If it doesn't, I will continue to strive for it!

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