Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Who We Are

Change is good for all of us and enhancing our lives for the better is a continual goal. There are people we meet in our lives who may question for good or bad who we are to the core and sometimes it makes us question if we want to make some changes within ourselves. We ponder, we analyze and then we decide whether it's a positive change or just a characteristic unique to ourselves and if we changed it, it would not be for our self but for someone else. This to me, is where we need to be true to ourselves and love and adore who we are and be elated with our uniqueness. We are so wonderfully unique and none of us are perfect...thank goodness! Some of us may wear our heart on our sleeves and some of us may be a bit more guarded and not as expressive. If there is love and goodness in the heart, then how we express ourselves isn't as important as the true feeling inside. No matter how we express our goodness, we always must remember to love and adore our own self before we can truly love and adore another.

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