Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is one of those special days of the year where most people's hearts are filled with gratitude for what they have and who they have in their lives. It's a day filled with funny stories, laughter, thank yous, smiles and warm hearts. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family, wonderful friends, a warm home, good health and a job I love! I am thankful for all the wonderful people I've met over the years, especially people who were and are very close to me. I am thankful that each person has had an impact and I've learned something from each person. I am thankful that I have remained in contact with many friends for many, many years. I am thankful my Aunt made it through a difficult surgery and it recovering well. I am thankful my immediate family is extraordinarily happy and though financially things have been tough, their love for each other remains unphased. I am thankful of the sun rising as I write this and admiring the beauty in my back yard. The list could go on and heart is filled with warm thoughts for all people and all things in the world. We are all truly blessed....

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