Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The magic of the Universe

I've taken a hiatus from writing a bit and now I find the urge to write. I've been extremely interested in how this universe truly works. There MUST be an order and laws in how things work in our world and with each of individually. It can't be that complicated since the universe knows exactly what to do at all times. Who is in the charge of this universal intelligence? Why do certain things happen? Why are people the way they are? There is much to learn and I've been soaking up so many things from so many people, books, courses, etc....the ride has been fun.

There has much work done in quantum physics and neuroscience which is absolutely exciting explaining an unseen world in a simple manner. Basically, we are just one big ball of energy creating thoughts that create vibrations and create our reality and consciousness. Thoughts create things as has been stated in many books, course, movies, etc. If each of us truly BELIEVED thoughts create things, we would be mindful of all thoughts since we are in charge of all manifestations in our lives. We are in control, we have free will, we manifest what we think about, we are extremely powerful and nobody is denied this, NOBODY. The universe does not care about race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or whatever because the universal force is all of us and we are all one. Nobody is denied this phenomenal right. All of us are interacting in this ball of energy with our thoughts and emotions. WE all create the reality of the universe. So why don't we all get what we desire all the time? That's a loaded question but for the most part, our beliefs get in the way and keep us contained in a cell and we have the KEY but don't know it. Beliefs create our limitations and they come from so many areas such as parents, teachers, society, religion, world consciousness, ancestors, etc. Beliefs keep us safe and keep it predictable and they also limit us. If we knew we could accomplish anything, we would change many of the beliefs that no longer serve us. The universe mirrors our thoughts and energy and is basically a big genie stating your wish is my command. Think high vibration thoughts and feel these same emotions and the universe mirrors it back and gives you more. The flip side is that when we think lower vibration thoughts and feel lower energy, guess what...the universe says your wish is my command and gives you more of it! The universe is not JUDGING your thoughts and emotions, it's just mirroring it back and giving you what you want. It's pretty darn simple but takes a massive change in the way we think. We become the observer of our thoughts and we patrol ourselves. Are negative thoughts going to always leave us? Probably not folks. That's why it becomes important to monitor your thoughts and feelings so when you think or feel a certain why, find out why you're feeling this way and dig into that belief and change it. And you CAN change it. Plucking those weeds from your garden will give you beautiful flowers.

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