Monday, September 21, 2015

What do you really, really want?

Full disclaimer: Lots of learning going on and putting it all together for me so I know a little about a lot.

What do you want? What do you really, really, really want? That's a loaded question since there are so many things we want for our finances, career, family, relationships, etc. GOOD!!! Let's start asking for it! The world is our oyster and the universe is here to serve!! The universe is so darn abundant and just waiting to be asked for things so let's start asking. But how do we go about asking to really get what we want? One of key items is to be write a list first of all these things you want and be very, very specific. The universe is pretty powerful but can't read our mind folks! So list out exactly what you want so there are no miscommunications.  How do these things make you feel? Is it aligned with your soul purpose? How do you want to feel? Ask for it! What would happen if you received all you wanted? Think about this one because if you think there is a downside to getting something, it probably won't happen since our little friend the subconscious mind is going to try to keep you safe and sabotage the whole darn thing. So, if you think something bad is going to happen, there's probably some belief that's gotta go. Our subconscious mind runs about 90% of what we do all day, everyday, every minute and it's trying to keep us safe based on those beliefs coming in from everything. So, instead of fighting with our friend, we just identify the belief that no longer serves us and remove it. There are ways to remove these beliefs instantly and certain modalities pluck that weed instantaneously and we go on.

The key items for getting what we want is 1. write out a long, robust list and don't be shy! Write it out and make it as long as you want. We are not being selfish...there is ample everything for everybody. The universe is abundant and therefore inherently we are too. 2. How does these items make you feel? Is it aligned? You may nix some of these items since the feeling may not be aligned. 3. Visualize how your life is going to look, the feeling, who is there with you, etc when you get what you want. 4. Feel like you have it today. The universe responds to the order and starts working on it! Here's the kicker that you read in some books but not all is that the fifth step which is 5. action. There must be some action and it's not big but something to move towards what you want. Take some action or it's just kind of wishful thinking. The universe will show you a door or present something so open it and go through it. That's the action so look for it.

The bottom line is that the universe is here to serve and we are here to serve, so the more of service we are to one another, the faster we all get into alignment. The universe is incredibly abundant and so are we. Money which is a common request is just energy, that's it. It's just one big ball of energy exchange. There is ample amounts of money so ask for more than you need. The more you make, the more you can give. We are all entitled to ample money, career we love, family we love, friends we love and all without stress, fear, anxiety or worry. Identifying beliefs that no longer serve us and releasing that old stuff is the key and it doesn't need to take long. Honor how you feel and if it's something that is no in alignment, good, let's get rid of it! Keep clearing this old stuff out and not only does it bring freedom, it helps get what you want even more quickly!! It's a beeline to creating all you want!!

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