Wednesday, September 16, 2015

We are all awesome!

Kind of like my dance classes, I know a little about a lot and definitely no expert on anything but enjoying the ride.

The bottom line is that we are all awesome, we were born awesome and we still are awesome. So why don't we feel awesome? If we were born awesome, what the heck happened? It's still there, it's just buried a bit so it's time to see and feel it again.

The law of attraction is one of those little rules of the universe that makes it so simple. What we think about, we create. What we think about creates those feelings that makes us behave certain ways that creates the experiences. We are creators and that is what we do. It's exciting for sure! We create all day, everyday. So if we don't feel awesome and believe we are awesome, why are we creating this belief or feeling? And on the flip side, how do we change that belief or feeling? We got where we are due to thinking and feeling certain ways until it's now a habit so we've essentially programmed ourselves to feel whatever we want to feel and believe and create experiences that keep supporting those feelings and beliefs. As creators, we created it and now if we choose, we can create something different!! We are powerful beyond belief. AWESOME! Those thoughts and feelings create those vibrations out into the universe so obviously we need to change those thoughts and feelings to chat with the universe in a different way. We want that energy to mirror back to us on what we want to create.  Sounds easy and it is but the reality is that what is working against us is our subconscious mind that's already trained for our entire lifetime and the bottom line, this subconscious mind runs about 95% our life! Dang! It's so cool how powerful our minds are and all that information is stored and never runs out of space. Truly amazing and miraculous. Depending on our trained thoughts and feelings, that subconscious mind can work with or otherwise so let's make it our best friend all the time.

It seems if we all truly believe that all thoughts and feelings are producing very real vibrations into the universe that mirrors back, it's probably compelling to belief only fabulous, loving, positive thoughts. Just like any habit we have, it's comfortable and predictable even when we know some of these habits are bad but we can still predict the outcome. And like any habit we want to change, it becomes uncomfortable and our body wants to go back to the known vs. unknown and it will do everything possible including negative chatter to get us back to predictable. So one of those secrets is being OK with the unknown and surrender the positive outcome to the universe. Think and FEEL how you want to see yourself acting and creating and it will happen. With that said, there must be a change in behavior as well because the behavior creates the experience. So full circle is change the thought, change the feeling, change the behavior and changes the experience. There must be action and not just thinking and feeling to produce different results as well....

We also must know how we got there. What are those deep beliefs? Are they real? When did they get there? Knowing who we are in the past helps to create a different future. When we really start embracing these changes and see those old patterns, we become the objective observer who patrols those thoughts and emotions. This is when the awesome changes occur and YOU are in control vs the old self.

The bottom line we are in control of our reality and we have an unseen world just waiting to help us!! We all have the key and we create everything!! We are AWESOME!!

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