Monday, March 10, 2008

All is well

When we look around at the good, we tend to see only good things and obviously the reverse of this statement is true as well. It seems that life would be far more enriching if we all choose to see the good is all situations versus identifying all that is bad in the situation. Like a new relationship, we tend to see only the good even though what we think is bad is there but we are only seeing good. Then over time, we start seeing and fixating on the bad. What happened to the good? It's still there, but we trained the mind to see things differently. We can train our mind to think whatever we want. Is everything easy and rosy? No, but we can take challenges and see this as a time to grow and learn and train our mind to see the good. The bottom line is that life is good and we create our own environments and circumstances by our thoughts.

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