Saturday, March 22, 2008

Keeping centered

There are many situations and people in the world who may attempt to knock people out of balance. I think these are a tests to ensure we keep improving to stay in balance and be content and happy with who we are. They are situations and people who will continue to question one's actions or words, but again, I think these are tests for our self improvement and to really understand who we are and who we strive to be.

Encountering new people or new situations is a very exciting time with new opportunities to meet interesting people and learn from others. And sometimes we may have a person who we like but perhaps they may not feel the same towards you. And that's OK. Most likely there are 99% who like a person and then 1% who does not. But we focus on that 1% instead of appreciating the 99%. Who knows, perhaps the 1% can teach us the most?

It's an ever changing landscape and that is what makes each day unique and great to be alive!

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