Sunday, November 1, 2015

Anything is possible

Full Disclaimer: So much to learn and so much we don't know

What if we truly believed that anything is possible? Do we truly believe it or do we think some things are impossible? Do we think we can manifest anything or do we think it's impossible? Do we think life happens to us or we think we can control it? Do we think our emotions and thoughts manifest our perception of reality? Why do people see things differently if the same set of facts is presented to them? How can we have the same emotion seeing something in person or just thinking about it? Both make us feel the same way so what is activating these emotions? Our senses or our mind?

I love the discussions about when we close our eyes we can envision the infinite possibilities and anything is possible! Most people think this is where we are daydreaming or just letting ourselves go into that realm and think about how you want things to be, how you'd feel, etc. GOOD!!! It is real!!

Let's daydream and really wander into what you'd like a certain aspect of your life to look like. What are those specifics, how do you feel, what's the emotion it's evoking? Dream big, dream's your manifestation! It seems most people want freedom, security, love, happiness, joy, abundance, etc. When we think of finances we may think we want a specific amount but what do you really want? Probably freedom to do what you want, when you want vs just the actual amount. Feel what it would be like to be ridiculously do you feel? Good? Badly? If you feel badly, it's probably a belief around money which is limiting  you around wealth. But let's concentrate on feeling good, happy, joyous, in awe, appreciative, etc. and sit there for a bit. Those infinite possibilities are aligning with that energy and connecting to an energetic match. Then we surrender this to the universe since we now need to trust. It's not our job to figure out how this will happen but rather expect miracles and be in awe when the opportunity presents itself. Yes, we must act and we have free will which is what is awesome about the universe! You have free will to do what you want.

The cool thing is that if we really, really, really believe anything is possible, you WILL manifest what you want. Yes, it takes practice, yes it takes removing limiting beliefs, yes it takes breaking old habits and yes it takes to expect the unexpected and miracles! Be in awe, be in amazement, have your mind blown away since this is so much bigger than our mind! Anything is possible for anybody so move into your extraordinary space!! There is infinite room for everyone!!

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