Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Re: 2008 is here!

2008 is here and ready to shower abundance for us all!! I recently stumbled across a book and DVD that had a profound affect on my outlook on just about everything and has brought a balance that I knew I was searching for. It's truly amazing how you change your thinking just a bit and how different it makes a person feel. I have always been very aware of what people say in terms of the words they use to get a feel for if they are either a glass half full or half empty person. Do they use the words, "can't", "won't", "try", "hope" or words and phrases that suggest they do not have control? When we start listening to people and ourselves, we start understanding why circumstances happen to us or others. Removing certain words and changing phrases around has a remarkable impact on one's outlook!! The bottom line is that when we are positive inside and speak in a positive fashion, great things manifest themselves!! What we think about is what we manifest. If we think happy thoughts, we usually encounter happy people, if we are grateful for things around us, we usually get even more things to be grateful for, if we are in a constant state of wanting, we manifest more wanting! The Universe listens to you and your thoughts and responds appropriately!! For those that may think this is hocus pocus, give it a shot sometime and for those who already realize this, isn't it absolutely amazing!! Think truly happy, loving thoughts all day and everyday and your will be amazed at what starts happening.....miracles, miracles, miracles.

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